Saturday, 23 February 2008

Green Lantern is Back !

You never know what might happen at a DC panel when Dan DiDio is moderating.

For those of you who have never been to a comic book publisher panel, it works something like this - typically an editor will take the podium, walking audience members through various slides of projects, and this is typically where they make their big announcements. A lengthy Q&A session follows where fans are able to check up on various projects. Many interesting bits of information come up here, but it's often release dates for various collections or confirmation of creative teams on smaller titles.

Typically these formats don't reveal a new James Robinson title. (To be clear, we didn't get precise confirmation of Robinson's second title, but we were nearly there.)

Rather than start with a typical presentation, Dan DiDio chose to keep the DC Nation panel focused on the fans and what they were enjoying about the direction of the DC Universe. With Robinson on stage with other editors and writers, inevitably his upcoming Superman work was brought up. It was then that DiDio mentioned that Robinson had a second project in the works that could not be revealed at this time.

DiDio is known for slipping bits of information to the audience, though we're never quite sure how intentional it is. Throughout the next hour, two characters were mentioned in association with this project: Green Arrow and Green Lantern.

VP of Sales Bob Wayne also tossed in an aside that "it sounds like [DC] should get Neal Adams to draw [the project]." Green Lantern. Green Arrow. Neal Adams. In our minds that instantly refers back to the classic road trip stories in Green Lantern/Green Arrow by Denny O'Neill and Adams.

Is this Robinson's secret project? It's hard to say. The make or break is how serious Wayne was being - and that can be hard to gauge with such a light-hearted panel and atmosphere.

The pieces seem to add up though. Green Lantern is more popular than ever and Green Arrow could use the exposure since he is currently without a solo series.

We'll pass on any information that we can gather! In the meantime, is that the conclusion you would draw? Is that a series you'd like to see return to the center stage?

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